[How To] Change HDD of Acer E1 Series E1-522 Laptop

Change HDD to SSD Laptop

Here I will explain how to change hard disk of Acer E1 series laptop. Here I used E1-522 laptop and changing my HDD (500 GB) to SSD (128 GB). Video tutorial is given below, check it.

Steps to change (Acer E1-522)

  • Open back panel (remove three screws)
  • It will void your warranty
  • You will the hard disk plugged into the board using a connector
  • You can see a pull out cable in the connecting side
  • Just pull out that connection and take the HDD from laptop
  • Use the connector for SSD too
  • Connect the SSD back in the HDD place
  • Close the back panel
  • Power on your system
  • SSD is now connected and working
All the above steps are included in the video provided. Please check it and if you have any comments, do comment here.
[How To] Change HDD of Acer E1 Series E1-522 Laptop [How To] Change HDD of Acer E1 Series E1-522 Laptop Reviewed by TechDoubts on 9:32 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. How come you need the extra connector? Can't you just use the one it came with? ��


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